Friday, August 13, 2010

Should you stumble upon this lonely blog of mine, you might detect a note of darkness. If you enjoy that sort of thing, soldier on, for you might detect little sprouts of black humor, which is the most satisfying kind.

By way of experimentation, which of the following two jokes do you find funnier?

Joke One:

A man walking along the sidewalk comes upon a boy and a dog.
"Does your dog bite?" the man asks the boy.
"Nope," the boy replies.
The man bends over to pet the dog, and the dog bites his hand.
"Ouch! I thought you said your dog doesn't bite?"
"That's not my dog."

Joke Two:

I saw a man approach the bar dressed in shorts, orange rubber flip-flops, and a Hawaiian shirt. He ordered a drink.
“How’s it going?” I said.
“Terrible. I just came from a funeral.”
“Dressed like that?”
“It was only a rehearsal. Hospice case.”

If the second joke strikes you as the funnier of the two, heaven help you.
And keep visiting.

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